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"Following the developments in the field of fashion is not enough for us. We want to always be one step ahead! " The above philosophy that characterizes the children's clothing company CARTOON from its first steps, is the philosophy that allowed the company in a short period of time to become a LEADER in the field of children's clothing trade in Chania. It is the same philosophy that since the founding of C artoon allows to take pioneering steps and always offer customers something new and something special.

The Cartoon was established in 2014 in Chania. Formerly a purely family business of trading in children's clothing and other items, which were addressed to the Greek market since 1974 . The company in a short period of time grew rapidly and expanded.

Today, the cartoon has products aimed at ages from 0 months to 16 years

In 2020 the cartoon opened its first online store.


In 2018 The cartoon , pioneering once again, created the Cartoon Club , aiming at direct communication and contact with its young and old customers. Today we have over 10,000 members .

To Cartoon    has created a solid foundation and a strong name, due to the very good combination of product quality, impeccable service and pricing policy. The Cartoon, not complacent, not complacent and not idle minute. It is constantly pioneering, innovating and setting new goals that are always guided by the best customer service. With an innovative vision and an innovative spirit, it evolves to completely cover every need to serve its customers.

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